Reasons For Creating A Website
The Two Basic Whys & Hows of Your Website
Everybody needs a website, or so the experts say. Have you ever stopped to think about why everybody is rushing to get a business website up quickly? The truth is that most small business owners don’t really know why the should have website at all. When pressed, they may speak in vague generalities. They often use terms like ‘visibility’ and ‘growth’.

Every tool has its place – where does your website fit?
Your website is a tool, nothing more. Like any other tool, it is best used to achieve specific goals. A mechanic does not invest in a ratchet just because he thinks it will make him look more professional. There are functions for every tool in a dentist’s office.
Every small business owner venturing into the internet should start thinking like mechanics and dentists. Every tool in your box needs to serve a vital, important purpose. Everything unnecessary must be removed. The HubRunner team has realized this time and time again.
Collaboration is at the heart of the HubRunner model. Our websites are discussions between business owners and us. Our clients tell us the problems they need solved while we provide them with solutions. Over time we have distilled these problems down to a couple of core needs.
The Branding Power of a Website
How do your prospective customers view your business? Branding and positioning are two vitally important things to consider when creating a small business website. A fun, whimsical website will impress a different image than a sleek, minimalistic site. Since many people rely on search engines and websites to provide information these days, you cannot spend enough time on branding. Get your logo in front of potential leads. Impress them with relevant photos and content. Let the style of your website set the mood that you want to impress on your consumers and community.
Sit with your team before you pay any web design company. Collaborate and figure out your top reasons for creating a website at all. Every team member has a vested interest in the success of your business and website. More importantly, they have unique views about what kind of message could and should be communicated through it.
A.B.C.: Always Be Converting

Plan the logical steps of your website before committing.
Everybody needs an end game strategy. What are the win conditions of your website? Very few people consider the goals that they websites should achieve, so this view may seem radical at first. Start thinking about the actions you want visitors to take on your website.
Do you want them to email you, or to pick up the phone? Do you want them to purchase a product? Every part of your website should lead your visitors down the path to a conversion – whatever that word means to you. Regardless of your definition, though, every conversion has similar steps it must follow:
These are the small steps that lead to your final goal. Imagine that a visitor clicks your home page. The home page leads them to the pricing page, which leads them to a page of your previous work. At the end of that page they see a form they can use to email your company. Every click along the path to submitting that form is a micro-conversion. Remember to always think like new visitor to your website. Make sure that your information flows logically and leads to your point of conversion.
The whole enchilada. In our previous example, we would consider hitting the email submit button a macro-conversion. It is the final end goal that the other steps lead toward. Your macro-conversions can be anything, so long as you decide that it is important to your business. Think long and hard about your website’s ultimate purpose, but don’t give it 100% of your attention. The best macro-conversion is useless without sold micro-conversions leading there.
Luckily you can measure the success of every web page you create by using Google Analytics. You don’t have to worry about taking a shot in the dark. Plus Google offers a free training certification! Remember: measure, measure, measure. Every interaction recorded in Google Analytics can show you points of improvement in your website.
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