How to Make a Good Landing Page for Your Website

A website’s landing page is the first impression viewers will get of your website, and may even be the initial introduction to your company in general. Therefore, just like when you are meeting someone in person, you need to make that first impression a positive one.

Here are some tips that will help you learn how to make a good landing page:

  • Create a catchy headline. You need a header that can draw in viewers and make them want to read more and click further into your website. It should properly represent your business, and reflect your services or products in a favorable light.
  • Keep it simple. There is no need to add loud music or too much flash to make a good landing page. Most people want to look at something that is easy on the eyes. They want to be able to find what they are looking for easily, so links should be clear and concise.
  • Consider your goals. When you are thinking about how to make a good landing page, you need to think about what you want people to do on your website. If it is shopping, make a header that promotes a current deal being offered. If you want users to send in personal contact information, include a form for them to fill out when they arrive on your page.
  • Include professional writing. Quality written content goes a long way. You do not want writing that is full of errors, for example, as this will make consumers immediately lose faith in your professionalism. You also need any included information to be well-written, interesting, and engaging.
  • Use appropriate photos or videos. People love visual aids, but like the written content, the visual content has to be high quality. They need to be in focus and relevant to whatever you are advertising. This is a very important part of how to make a good landing page.
  • Incorporate ads. While ads can make the page cluttered if overdone, they can also be used sparingly to draw in more interest, and revenue. Ensure that the ads being used are somehow related to the content on the landing page, and that they do not take away from the main focus of the page.
  • Make it mobile-enabled. Last, but certainly not least, make the landing page, and all of the other pages, mobile-friendly. A vast majority of people now use smartphones to look up information, and you could lose interest, sales and more if someone tries to look at your page and cannot see what they want from their phone or tablet.
When you think about how to make a good landing page, there are a lot of factors to consider. Aside from the suggestions here, it is important to remember that no one type of website and landing page will fit every organization.

What works for one may not work for another. Hiring a professional and/or brainstorming with employees or colleagues will help you make the best decisions for your particular website.

how to make a good landing page

To learn more about how to make a good landing page, give the experts at a call, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.