The Three Core Online Marketing Strategies

There is no question that the Internet has changed both business and marketing. Information is now primarily shared online, including advertisements and marketing content. By now, it is clear that these changes are here to stay, and businesses must adapt to them in order to maintain long-term growth. One of the best ways to ensure that your business keeps up is to adopt specific online marketing strategies for drawing in and engaging your audience. To some, this may seem overwhelming at first, given the vast number of online tools and platforms for digital marketing.

However, there are really only three main online marketing strategies that every business should be sure to pursue: Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, and Social Media Marketing.

Search Engine Optimization

If the Internet is a world of information, then search engines (primarily Google) serve as the portal into that world. Your audience will most likely find you through search results pages, and you want to be sure that your business is at the top of these results. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in. Simply put, SEO strategies place keywords relevant to your business throughout your site, improving your overall ranking in the search engine.

SEO is one of the most important online marketing strategies to employ, but it takes a trained eye to ensure the best practices are used. Other considerations for SEO include the prevalence of images with captions, and including back links to outside, respected websites.

online marketing strategies

Content Marketing

The idea of using content that would be helpful to a business’ audience is not new, but has taken a new turn with the Internet. It is now easier than ever to leverage original content as one element of your online marketing strategies. On the Internet, content marketing takes a variety of forms. It could be as simple as creating a dedicated blog on your company’s website.

Updating this blog at least several times a week (if not daily) with original and beneficial content will both drive your SEO and keep users returning to your site. Another method of content marketing is to partner with outside content, such as getting published on a niche blog that focuses on your market. Other aspects include training videos, podcasts, and even e-books when relevant.

Social Media Marketing

Using social media for your business may be one of the most obvious online marketing strategies, but it is also one of the most important. With over a billion people on Facebook, let alone the other myriad of platforms now available, social media represents one of the best opportunities for reaching your audience through online marketing. Every business should be sure to have a presence on the “biggies”, such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

It is important to note that the key to social media marketing is engagement. Online marketing strategies using social media should focus on methods of engaging followers, such as creating groups on LinkedIn and publishing shareable content on Facebook.

To learn more about online marketing strategies, give the experts at a call, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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