Content creation tips for blogs, newsletters and beyond
We’ve all been there: sitting in front of a blank screen, waiting for inspiration to strike. Good, substantive content on your blog or newsletter can drive traffic to your website and bolster your reputation as an expert in your field. But unfortunately, there is no muse of online content creation. So instead of waiting for inspiration to find you, check out these quick content creation tips for blogs, newsletters and beyond.
1. Compare products.
An easy way to write a post is to compare two products or services in your field. Discussing the merits of product A versus product B provides your readers with genuinely helpful information. Plus, there’s a bonus: blog posts with “vs” in the title tend to rank higher on search engines.
2. Write about a problem you’ve had — and how you solved it.
Not only does this put a more personal spin on your content, but it’s an easy way to identify problems that might be areas of interest for your readers. Detail what lessons you’ve learned and use specific, real-world examples. Encouraging people to share their own solutions in the comments is a great way to engage your readership.
3. Answer frequently asked questions.
They’re frequently asked for a reason! This is the information your customers and readers want to know. Using a blog post or newsletter entry to tackle a commonly asked question guarantees content that will be useful to your customer base. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to go into more detail than a website FAQ page allows.
4. Compile a list.
Curating a list is a simple way to generate content for a blog post. What helpful articles have you read lately? What songs are you listening to? What blogs do you read every day? What are your favorite apps? Chances are if you find this information helpful and interesting, so will your readers.
5. Create a How-To post.
An easy way to create valuable content for your readers is to write a prescriptive post. Choose an area of expertise and break out the task into clearly defined steps. If you’re having trouble choosing a topic, think back to your FAQ and what you’re most commonly asked to walk customers through.
Next time you’re wrestling with writer’s block, you can pull a Hemingway and sit and ponder, drink in hand (we won’t tell if you do!). Or you can turn to one of these strategies. What are your foolproof ways to generate content for blogs and newsletters? Let us know in the comments.
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