HubRunner Picks: Improve Your Social Media Presence

Since the majority of people in the U.S. and abroad use social media as a means of communications and networking, it’s only right that entrepreneurs, start ups, and even corporate industries, get in on the action as well. We found some interesting info to help kick-start your social media presence and maximize your company’s potential!

With the growing use of digital and virtual platforms rising up within corporate and professional industries, social media is no longer a simple medium for Millennials to use in order to track the latest trends and gossip.

According to Social Media Examiner’s 2014 Social Media Industry Report, 92% of businesses who use social media feel that it is an important tool to use and has added to their success. Although, in the same report, 91% of those business say it is challenging to decide which social media tactics and optimal content is effective.

The balance between remaining relevant and optimizing social media content is the new marketing struggle current and future companies will have to figure out, but hopefully our weekly resources roundup will help make the process a little more manageable.

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B2B Marketing Mentor: How Marketers Optimize Their Social Content

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In order to strategically accomplish better social media presence and understand the effectiveness of it for business, Software Advice has partnered with Adobe to create the first-ever Social Media Content Optimization Survey.

Jay Ivey, of B2B Marketing Mentor, has outlined key findings and analysis’ regarding business and social media along with how to increase ones presence within the social media realm.

  • 84% of marketers post on at least 3 social media sites, with 70% posting at least one a day (key for remaining relevant and active).
  • Citing the use of visual content, hashtags and usernames are significant tactics for optimizing social media presence.
  • 57% of businesses use software tools to manage postings, therefore creating a more organized and effective social media presence. Companies can determine when the most optimal time for them to post is and they can structure their updates around these findings.

Convert With Content: 11 Ways To Make Your Businesses Instagram Presence Better

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Instagram is currently one of the few social media sites that has yet to be tapped for ad placement and obvious marketing tactics, making it the perfect place to not only increase business awareness but to also show a companies fun, creative side…a huge attraction for the younger generations.

Stephanie Frasco, of Convert With Content, outlines numerous ways to increase ones professional Instagram presence.

  • Share User-Generated Content: Sharing is caring, and there’s no better way to remain fresh and current as sharing topics and headlines that are related to your business.
  • Host A Sweepstakes Or Contest: Since everyone loves winning and free things, hosting a contest draws in an audience and creates a fun, competitive digital atmosphere. It’s also a great way to show off what your company specializes in and provides to consumers.
  • Use Content That Looks Natural: Since Instagram is all about the visual, using real shots of your brand, office space, day to day interactions, builds a community and relationship with others. It’s a great way to show off your companies creative side but still remaining true to a professional, smart atmosphere.
  • Find And Connect With Your Local Following: “Locals Love Us” is one of the most encouraging aspects of a business right now, especially for smaller, upstart companies who rely on local support to function.
  • Be On The Trend: Know what’s up! Whether in the community or international relations, being relevant in hot topics and the local buzz will attract an audience to your Instagram account. You want to be one of the first sources of dialogue before anywhere else.

Entrepreneur: 5 Factors of Social Media Marketing Most People Don’t Consider

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The business idea that social media marketing has the same sales value as direct marketing with news ads and billboards-that the audience exposed to such tactics simply ignore or pass by social media advertising without any consideration or attention.

This mindset a d the lack of social media presence, not only cuts down on the number of people reached on a day to day basis but keeps a company from reaching its full potential of maximizing on sales and brand recognition. points out a few reasons why one needs social media to function nowadays and why not having a social media presence can hinder ones growth and business perceptions:

  • Developing the right sales context
  • Seeking the right, active audience
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings
  • Not having specific marketing goals
  • Not realizing the importance of subliminal messaging

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