Seattle energy efficiency and environmental testing company launches new website

seattle energy efficiencySEATTLE – Seattle energy efficiency, building diagnostics and indoor environmental testing company, Hawk Environmental Services, Inc. recently launched a new website. Visit for more information on scheduling an energy audit or building diagnostic appointment for your home or office.

The Hawk Environmental Services team has more than seven years of industry experience. Founders Dan Ventura and Ben Tressel are both well-known for their expertise in the environmental services field and for their practical experience in building efficiency and indoor environmental safety. From upgrading your home or business to receive an ENERGY STAR certification, to addressing concerns about environmental hazards, the dependable Hawk Environmental Services team can take care of all your building diagnostics and environmental testing needs. Site-specific testing designed to help you meet state and local codes or qualify for rebates is also available.

Services offered by Hawk Enviornmental include energy efficiency audits, mold inspection/moisture testing, indoor air quality testing and lead and asbestos inspections. They also offer a wide range of specialty testing, including materials testing, specific chemicals testing, specific particulate testing and worker-safety compliance testing.

Austin-based website design firm HubRunner recently launched the new Hawk Environmental Services, Inc. site. HubRunner’s graphic design and business writing professionals specialize in creating high-quality, affordable custom websites for small businesses, entrepreneurs and nonprofits. HubRunner offers full site management for customers, including hosting, domain, security and up to two hours of updates each month, as well as expert on-site search engine optimization.

HubRunner believes that every business deserves a great website, and getting one should be simple and affordable. With an innovative approach to web development, HubRunner provides everything a customer needs to have a beautiful, affordable, zero-hassle website that drives more traffic to their business. For more information, visit, call (512) 703-0503.